SIS WoundCare – New Website & First Blog Post

It’s taken several years of research and development to have created the SIS W250 device and we are proud of our efforts.

The team at SIS includes practising clinicians, electrotherapy experts and patent holders, research scientists & multi-disciplinary engineers who have worked together in creating a solution for chronic/non-healing wounds and ulcers.

faster wound healing
W250 smart electrotherapy device for faster wound healing

Our product and technology is complex, however our website is not. We briefly explain the science behind the W250 in our How It Works page, and if you are seeking more information or advice, feel free to contact our friendly team.

The W250 is based on established medical science & research. More adventurous readers should go through our Research page. The development of the W250 is strongly data-based as well as being born out of extensive clinical experiences.

We plan on releasing a new blog post weekly on the urgent subject of the growing need for wound healing technology to address chronic and non healing (infected) wounds, as well as about the general medical science of wound/ulcer healing including some critical but not generally known information about how and why wounds do and do not heal, so stay tuned!

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SUPERBUGS AND GROWING ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE The technology incorporated into the W250 machine has been shown to be capable of addressing even serious wound infection, including

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