SIS WoundCare

SIS WoundCare

About Us

The W250 machine and technology are the ‘exports’ of a highly specialized and ongoing clinical research program, conducted over a decade at the only Electromedicine Clinic & Research Lab in Australasia. The facility’s clinical results and research have been presented and published internationally at medical-scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed published journals.

The advanced electromedical (electrotherapy) devices for fulfilling the urgent global medical needs of individualized bioelectric wound healing stimulation and infection treatments without drugs and harmful side effects did not exist. So we invented and developed them.

Who We Are

Richard Malter – Technical Advisor and co-inventor, SIS Machines Project. Clinical and Research Director, Electromedicine Clinic & Research Lab, Frankston, VIC, Australia. Former Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute of Global Physiology, Behavior & Treatment (USA). New York State Boards for Medicine and Dentistry Continuing Medical Education, International College of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics (USA). Full Memberships: Bioelectromagnetics Society.

Sujit Nagarajan BE (Electrical) Hons – SIS Machines Project Engineer, SIS machines electronics design and manufacture.

Jacob Hartland BE (Electrical & Electronic) Hons – SIS Machines Project electronics and software engineer.

Stephen McGill BEng(Elec)(Hons), BBus(Mgt) – SIS Machines Project hardware design and production.

Phillip Shinnick PhD, MPA, LAc, FICAE – Bioelectromagnetics and Electromedical Clinical Advisor. Director, Research Institute of Global Physiology, Behavior and Treatment, Inc. Former Assistant Clinical Professor New York Medical College. Former Assistant Professor, Rutgers University. Associate Editor, Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes. Ambassador of UNESCO for Sport and Peace. Chairman of Athletes United for Peace.

Hiroko Woessner RN, BSN, CWCN, COCN, CCCN – Specialist Wound Care Advisor, SIS Machines Project.

James Woessner MD, PhD – Senior Medical Advisor and co-inventor, SIS Machines Project. Training: Physiatry, Neurology, Internal Medicine. Electrodiagnostics and treatments: Pioneered several electromedical techniques; electroceuticals. Past Memberships: Clinical Electromedical Research Academy (Fellow and Board Certified Diplomate); American Academy of Pain Management (Member & Speaker); American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (Certified Member); American Board in Forensic Medicine (Board Certified Diplomate); Institute of Functional Medicine; American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine (Member); International Association for the Study of Pain (Member).

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